Thursday, August 20, 2009
All 2009 Spring / Summer Clothing now on Sale!!!!
Our entire stock of 2009 Spring / Summer Clothing have been marked down. Inventory is limited. Shop sooner rather than later to guarantee size selection.
New - Betwixt Chamois Cream

A truly all-natural chaomois cream. This stuff works great.
- All natural with organic ingredients
- Anti-chafing protection for all sports
- Respects your body & the environment
- Paraben-free
- Vegan (no animal by-products or testing)
- No petroleum or petroleum derivatives
More information..>>
Born is BACK!!!

After a 2 year absence, we are excited to announce that Born is now in stock again. Born makes a line of body care products that are out of this world. More info...>>
Closing out Zero RH+
All of our Zero RH+ is on sale! Please note that all sales are final (except for warrantee issues). We can not accept returns or exchanges. This line of clothing is cut small. Please call or email us if you have sizing questions. This clothing breathes quality, style and function. View entire Zero RH+ collection ..>>
Monday, August 17, 2009
Just Arrived: Etxe Ondo Team Kits for Xacobeo Galicia

After a 5 year hiatus we are super excited to be offereing Etxe Ondo products once again. We just received our first shipment of Xacobeo Galicia Professional Team Kits (Jersey and Shorts). And as usual the quality is what you come to expect with Etxe Ondo: it's outstanding. All clothing is Team Issue quality and Made in Spain.
Check out our website..
Etxe Ondo,
Pro Team cycling clothes,
Xacobeo Galicia
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